ROUNDUP of old TV news accounts of KAL007 sept 1 1983

(Australian TV is not so far off the mark but the U.S. reporting is total bullshit)



from Wikipedia:

Sen. Scoop Jackson of Seattle, a Norwegian-American "hawk" Democrat and one of the earliest NeoCons, who was also rabidly pro-Israel and pro-Vietnam War and anti-communist, had been often called "the Whore of Boeing Aerospace", died just moments after the shootdown of KAL007, of a stroke while shouting against the shootdown!   His fellow democrat extremist anti-communist big buddy Atlanta Congressman Larry McDonald had been on the flight KAL007 and went down with the other passengers.   Congressman McDonald was from Georgia and head of the reactionary John Birch Society. Rep. Larry McDonald believed in a Deep State conspiracy way back in the 1970s and he is quoted as saying, ""[T]he drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control ... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."

Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina, Senator Steve Symms of Idaho, and Representative Carroll Hubbard of Kentucky were aboard sister flight KAL 015, which had originally been flying 15 minutes behind KAL 007 when it departed from Anchorage Alaska airport, but then KAL007 dramatically veered way off course for several hours without any explanation and into a mysterious kind of radio silence as it strayed longer and longer deep into Soviet forbidden airspace.

David H. Adrian remembered in the media regarding KAL007

poor translation from the blog of a Czech intel analyst:

Michel Brun's book ‘KAL009 Flight Reconstruction’: According to Bruno KAL 007, following a slight detour from the Bethel radio link, so that he did not have to report his next position and could move away from the route, he began to simulate the loss of the radio link. During the overtaking of the Bethel radar, 12 nautical miles to the north, the crew, in particular, Captain Chun's "caliber," had to easily find out, according to the various on-board devices that assist him during the radar crossing.Captain Chun, a backup pilot of the president's plane, was in the army a colonel and a military pilot with ten years of experience, at KAL for 11 years.

Exactly a month later, Oct. 1, 1983, a bomb exploded over a Burmese Rangoon bomb aboard the South Korean president's airplane. Chun also flew 17 South Korean government officials. Captain Chun was trained by US "spy" pilot, David H. Adrian, working for the NSA, the hero commander of the B-50, who in the 1960s was honored, in the early 1960s  from japanese U.S. bases flying on espionage missions over Russia and China.

David Adrian lived in Seoul in 1980-83 and trained South Korean business pilots for the new Boeing, which KAL "bought" freshly.

Most South Korean business pilots were former South Korean CIA staffers, so it is no surprise that the 20.4.78 years of KAL 902, flying from Paris to Seoul through the polar route, according to the Soviet US Navy Spy Overhead, was "straying" over the owl.military installation on the Kola Peninsula, when he "mistakenly" turned for five hours constantly to the northwest, and then suddenly twisted to the southeast on the owl airspace restricted area.


Přesně o měsíc později 1.10.83 vybuchla nad barmským Rangúnem bomba na palubě letadla jihokorejského prezidenta, se kterým měl kpt. Chun rovněž letět, a zabila 17 jihokorejských vládních činitelů.Kapitána Chuna vyškolil známý US „špionážní“ pilot David H. Adrian, pracující pro NSA, velitelhrdina“ z B-50, 1960 vyznamenaný, od 1957 do poloviny 60.let denodenně z jap. základny létající na špionážní mise nad Ruskem a Čínou.

David Adrian v letech 1980-83 žil v Soulu a zacvičoval jihokorejské obchodní piloty na nové Boeingy, které KAL „čerstvěnakoupily.

Většina jihokorejských obchodních pilotů byla bývalými zaměstnanci jihokorejské CIA, takže nepřekvapí , že již 20.4.78 let KAL 902,letící z Paříže do Soulu polární trasou, podle Sovětů s US špionážní družicí nad hlavou, „zbloudilnad sov. vojenské instalace na poloostrově Kola, když se „omylempo pět hodin konstantně vychyloval na severozápad, a pak náhle stočil na jihovýchod na sov. území.



click here for more on KAL007 and the bio of the trainer of the Korean pilots